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Instructions to re-activate your bracelet....


You will have three electrical components;

The transmitter. (Pictured below)

​​​​​​​​The Arduino nano. (Pictured below) This has lots of pin 'legs'. Above each of the 'legs' is a code, eg. A3 or GND (pictured below)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The expansion board (green) This has two rows of black slots (where the nano 'legs' will go) and two rows of screws on either side. On the outside of the board, each of the screw connections also has a code (eg GND, RST etc).


You will also have a USB cable to connect the nano to your computer and some coloured wires.




We found videos on instagram and tiktok by @le_jackpop and @annesnerdnight which led us to embarking on trying this for ourselves. You can find their full tutorial here 

His tutorial also credits others on his page... "The file is based on this template from other great code nerds who are part of the fantastic Pixmob reverse engineering project led by Daniel Weidman." None of the hard work that went into the instructions is my own - i've simply tried to make it more accessible for English speakers with zero experience of Arduino!


Before doing the below, check if your phone has an IR blaster. (google is your friend). If it does you can re-activate/control the bracelet with your phone and this app from the google play store instead of following the instructions below.


The below is to reactivate bracelets that stopped flashing, normally because you left before the end of Karma. If your bracelet did flash after you left the concert, but has now stopped, it may have run out of batteries. You can change them - lots of tutorials online.


The instructions (Note you will need a computer with a USB port and the chrome browser. If this feels too difficult / daunting drop us a message on tiktok @uk123uk4 and I will help). Will add more photos to the instructions soon.


  1. Firstly buy these components...



you will need a very small flat head screwdriver like those used for fixing glasses such as this





​NOW TO PUT THE COMPONENTS TOGETHER..... *Video of steps 2-5 on tiktok here


2. Connect the Arduino nano to the expansion board by putting the pin 'legs' on the bottom of the nano into the holes on the expansion board. Make sure you line them up the right way - the leg marked VIN on the nano must go into the hole marked VIN in the expansion board.


3. Connect a wire to each of the transmitter pins. There are three pins. The wires have a male end (wire sticking out) and a female end (hole). Slide each of the pins into the female end of a wire


4. On the expansion board you need to loosen three screws. GND, 5V and D4


5. Take the male end of the wires you have just connected to the transmitter pins and connect them to the expansion board by sliding them into the hole below the screw. Each of the pins on the transmitter has a three letter code next to it. Firstly take the wire connected to the GND pin, and connect it to the GND slot on the expansion board. Tighten the screw above the slot to hold the wire in place. Connect the VCC wire to the 5V slot on the expansion board in the same way, and finally connect the DAT wire to the D4 slot on the expansion board.


6. Download and install the Arduino program Also download this file


7. Open the Arduino program you installed. On the left side, click the book icon. Under where it says Library Manager, type IRremote. The top result below should be IRremote by shiriff, z3t0, ArminJo. Click install next to it.


8. Connect the nano to the computer with the USB cable


9. In the arduino program, click file > open and select the second file you downloaded to open.


10. On the green toolbar at the top of the programme, click the drop down menu and select other board and port. In the boards search box type nano and select Arduino nano on the list below. Select the correct port (eg. which USB it is plugged into) on the right. Click OK


11. Click the right hand arrow on the green toolbar at the top


12. Put your bracelet next to the IR transmittor


13. Go to the website using a chrome browser, and scroll down to where it says "Connect to Arduino". Click this and select the USB that your arduino is connected to. Click connect


14. Scroll slightly further down and click Last Signal


The bracelet will flash continuously (until the batteries run out) unless you insert a tab  - we used a small piece of plastic

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